Osteoporosis, Osteopathy and Pilates
It is estimated that around 3 million people in the UK have osteoporosis, a condition that causes around 500,000 broken bones every year - that’s one every minute (National Osteoporosis Society, undated).
Worldwide, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures (International Osteoporosis Foundation, 2017).
What is osteoporosis?
“Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them more likely to break” (NHS, 2016). The National Osteoporosis Society furthers this definition by saying that osteoporotic “bones don’t look any different from the outside, but the inner structure becomes thinner and sometimes breaks down”.
Maximising bone strength when you’re young will leave you in a better position to withstand natural bone loss that occurs normally as we age.
What are the risk factors for developing Osteoporosis?
The NHS (2016) have suggested other risk factors to consider including:
Long-term use of high-dose oral corticosteroids.
Other medical conditions - such as inflammatory conditions, hormone-related conditions, or mal-absorption issues.
A family history of osteoporosis.
Long term use of certain medications
Having a low body mass index (BMI)
Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
Heavy drinking
Long periods of inactivity e.g. such as long-term bed rest
What are the treatments for Osteoporosis?
Treatment for osteoporosis is dependent upon your risk of fracture based on your age, gender, DEXA scan results to mention a few.
Treatment is based on treating and preventing fractures, and using medication to help to strengthen bones. Or could be in the form of fall prevention (eye health checks, medication evaluation, physical therapy), diet and supplementation, and exercise.
Medication should be discussed with your GP who can take into account relevant factors before prescribing the most appropriate treatment pathway.
What can osteopathy do for people with Osteoporosis?
Osteopaths are well placed to screen patients for this condition and offer practical advice on risk factors, prevention and treatment. Those with a moderate to high risk will be advised to consult with their GP (iO, undated).
Those who have been identified as being at risk of osteoporosis will be given dietary, exercise, and lifestyle advice as management strategies to reduce the impact of the condition.
What could Clinical Pilates (i.e. led by physiotherapists or osteopaths) offer for someone with Osteoporosis?
Pain relief
Reduced fear of movement
Positive effects on pain, function and quality of life
Low-impact form of exercise
Fall prevention
Improved balance
Improved physical and psychological functioning and independence
Effective to increase bone mineral density
Increase walking distance
(Oksuz et al, 2017, Hita-Contreras et al, 2016 & Angin et al, 2015)
Want to know more?
Get in touch with Heather: https://www.osteopilatescornwall.com/contact
Angin, E., Erden, Z., & Can, F. (2015) The effects of clinical pilates exercises on bone mineral density, physical performance and quality of life of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Available at: https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-back-and-musculoskeletal-rehabilitation/bmr604 [Date accessed: 23.02.2020]
Hita-Contreras, F., Martinez-Amaz, A., Cruz-Diaz, F., and Perez-Lopez, R., (2015) Fall Prevention in Post-Menopausal Women: The Role of Pilates in Exercise Training. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/13697137.2016.1139564. [Date accessed: 23.02.2020]
Institute of Osteopathy (iO) (undated) About Osteoporosis, How your osteopath can help, [Internet] Available from: https://www.iosteopathy.org/osteopathy-for-health/health-ageing/about-osteoporosis/ [Date accessed: 09.02.19]
International Osteoporosis Foundation (2017) Facts and Statistics, Osteoporosis - Incidence and burden, Available from: https://www.iofbonehealth.org/facts-statistics#category-14 [Date Accessed: 09.02.19]
NHS (2016) Overview - Osteoporosis, [Internet] Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/osteoporosis/ [Date Accessed: 09.02.19]
National Osteoporosis Society (undated), untitled, [Internet] Available from: https://nos.org.uk/ [Date accessed: 09.02.19]
Oksuz, S., and Unal, E., (2017) The Effect of Clinical Pilates Exercises on Kinesiophobia and Other Symptoms Related to Osteoporosis: a randomised controlled trial Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S174438811630216X [Date Accessed: 23.02.20]